Not sure which business structure you need? See all options →
*Your information is not shared with any outside entities, save those required to complete your order. We make every attempt to accurately determine the availability of the business name you choose. Our name availability search includes your state database, and Federal filings originated in your state only. By continuing, you accept our terms of service, and agree to be contacted regarding the information you provide.
Personal Asset Protection | Liability | # of owners | Reporting Requirements | Operation | Taxation | |
LLCGet Started | Members have little -no personal liability | 1 - 100 | Varies by state, Generally renews annually | Versatile | Versatile, generally pass through initially | |
CorpGET STARTED | Shareholders, directors and officers have little-no personal liability | only limited by shares | Varies by state, Generally renews annually | Shareholders elect board members who appoint officers who run day to day | C-corp/S-corp | |
NonprofitGET STARTED | Directors and officers have little-no personal liability | Generally not considered "owned" but controlled | Varies by state, Generally renews annually | Board members appoint officers who run day to day | Not taxed | |
Sole ProprietorGET STARTED | Individual has unlimited liability | 1 | Varies by state, Trade name generally renews annually | Controlled by 1 individual | Pass through | |
General PartnershipGET STARTED | Partners take on unlimited liability | 2+ | Varies by state, Generally renews annually | Controlled by partners | Semi Pass through (assigned income) |
A registered agent is required for all formal business entities, such as LLCs, partnerships, corporations, etc. Your registered agent must be present during business hours to receive and manage state correspondence on your behalf. You will need a registered agent in every state your company does business in. Attempting to file paperwork without naming a registered agent will likely result in rejection of the application. Our customers love our registered agent service to keep things simple!
Compliance requirements vary by state and company type. Our Complete Compliance service takes care of your annual filing and other updates requested by your state for your business. We’ll keep your business in good standing with the state as long as this service is active. If you choose to do this yourself, then you will be responsible for taking action on all ongoing state compliance requirements and filing your own annual report.
Once they are ready, you will find all of your documents and orders in your Dashboard. Access your website and payment processor here as well. Filing times vary by state. Of course, all Rush+ orders will be filed with the state first.
See Average Filing Times By StateThere are no cancellation fees if you wish to cancel your account, or just cancel a specific service. Email, Call, or Live Chat with us between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. You can also cancel on your Dashboard.